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As Halloween barreled nearer, Victoria's Secret Angels costumed up and Мультфильмы 2021 года онлайн flocked to Velocity Black's Night Of The Fallen party at Marquee in New York City.

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Lais Ribeiro was a showstopper at the Saturday night bash as Mystique, the shape-shifting mutant from Marvel's X-Men franchise.

The 27-year-old Brazilian bombshell appeared as Mystique in her natural form - which is to say, with blue skin and copper hair.

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Showstopper: Lais Ribeiro attendeded Velocity Black's Night Of The Fallen party at Marquee in New York City as Mystique, the shape-shifting mutant from Marvel's X-Men franchise

She sizzled in a sleeveless white bodysuit that matched her slinky thigh-high boots and a pair of formal gloves that stretched past the elbow.

Lais accented the look with a black Chanel purse that featured diamond stitching.

Mystique was introduced in the Ms.
Marvel comics in 1978, and has since been played in films by Rebecca Romjin and Jennifer Lawrence.

Mutated: The model shapeshifted into the famous comic book character
