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A long-term personal loan is a loan that allows lenders to lend money to people on a long-term basis. Also, they can come from lenders such as banks, credit unions, or online lenders, because lenders tend to lend money as long-term loans unless they lend short-term loans.

photo-thumb-13512.jpg?_r=1416292701Borrowers can apply to borrow money by seeking out a loan officer or agent, usually found at lending companies, or they can apply via the telephone or even online. Interest rates depend on the amount of the loan, the time period for repayment - long- or short-term - and the financial status of the borrower, or the lack thereof.

What Makes Long-Term Loans Different from Short-Term Ones?

That the repayment term tends to encompass a period of time longer than other loans, such as short-term loans, is the differentiating feature for personal loans. Now certain loans are learn more easily had by folks who have reasonable credit ratings.

Of course, the rates for these are somewhat up there than the other types of lending agreements. And these require collateral or security. The lender can seize the property or collateral in case the borrower defaults.

Two Types of Long-Term Loans

Two forms of long-term loans exist. They are the secured and the unsecured loan.

One: The Secured Long-Term Personal Loan

A borrower can land the large amount of a long-term personal loan by using a valuable asset to hand over to the lender as collateral or security. These can be: car, house, stocks and bonds, or other real estate, etc. When it comes to paying back the loan, this can be a time-frame of 5-25 years. Since the payback time is so long, the lender can help the borrower reduce the monthly payment. Once the loan reaches maturity, the borrower can get the collateral or security back after the loan is paid off.