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In recent years, young people the world over have felt the weight of increasing pressure to pursue a career that is not only well paid, but fulfilling at the same time.

And with an ever growing list of trainee programmes, university courses and apprenticeships to choose from, aspiring professionals could be forgiven for feeling perplexed about what path is the ideal option for them.

FEMAIL's resident Australian astrologer compiled a detailed list of character traits and talents for each star sign to help determine the perfect industry for you, as well as a collection of job titles you should be applying for based on the zodiac.

FEMAIL's resident Australian astrologer Kelli Fox (pictured) compiled a detailed list of character traits and talents for each star sign to help determine the perfect industry for you


Aries is alive, alert and at attention when everyone else is asleep at the wheel. 

According to Ms Fox, tireless Aries thrives in challenging situations, so every day must promise something stimulating and different. 

A little danger is good, too, so military work or any role in the emergency services will get their juices flowing, while a competitive job like athletics or sales keeps things interesting for the Ram sign.

However, they are also naturally animated meaning acting or performance is an obvious choice for them, especially anything physically demonstrative like dance or martial arts.

Multi-platinum musician Lady Gaga is the epitome of a talented Aries who thrives in the spotlight of performing arts, known for her dancing and acting prowess in addition to her incredible voice.

International tennis sensation Maria Sharapova is another stereotypical Aries who shines in a competitive arena.

Ideal careers: athlete, trial lawyer, soldier, entrepreneur, sales executive, actor/actress, military officer, firefighter, securities and commodities trader, trauma surgeon, martial artist and triple threat (sings, acts and dances).

Competitive job like athletics or sales keeps things interesting for the Ram sign; internationally famous Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova is an Aries

The triple threat: Multi-platinum award winning musician Lady Gaga (nee Stefani Germanotta) is the epitome of the talented Aries who thrives in the spotlight of performing arts, known for her dancing and acting prowess in addition to her incredible voice
