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The Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe wanted to try CBD oil to 'cure' the health problems which contributed to his death, letters sent from jail reveal.

The serial killer died on Friday morning at the University Hospital of North Durham after contracting Covid-19 and refusing treatment for the virus.

Last year, Sutcliffe told a pen pal - who wishes to remain anonymous - he had tried to buy some CBD oil to apparently 'cure' his health problems.

He explained a friend's son had put his 'brother in touch with a guy named JJ (not his real name) to supply some cannabis oil'.

The Ripper said 'it cured' his friend's son - although he did not specify the ailment. 

The Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe had tried to buy some CBD oil, he wrote in a letter (pictured) to his pen pal - who wished to remain anonymous - in October last year

The serial killer wanted to try CBD oil to apparently 'cure' his health problems.

Pictured: Peter Sutcliffe and his wife Sonia in late 1980

He added: 'This JJ wanted £1,200 for just 30 days' supply so he told him to get lost.' 

Before his death, 74-year-old Sutcliffe was in poor health and overweight, which placed him into the high-risk category for Covid-19.

He was diabetic, obese and had suffered a heart attack earlier this month.

The mass murderer also had eye problems after being attacked by another prisoner in 1997. 

CBD is an ingredient in cannabis, however it does not make users high. It is typically used to help with anxiety and insomnia.

CBD oil has been touted for a wide variety of ailments, and has been most effective against serious childhood epilepsy.

It has not been known to help diabetes, but can assist with pain relief. 

The letter, dated October 21 last year, reveals the Ripper had also just burned his mouth with hot mushy peas and was struggling to keep his medication down.

CBD oil has been touted for a wide variety of ailments, and has been most effective against serious childhood epilepsy.

(Stock photo)

Sutcliffe had a range of health problems.

He was diabetic, obese and had also suffered a heart attack earlier this month. He died last week after contracting coronavirus. Pictured: Sutcliffe is taken from prison in 2015 to go to a hospital appointment

He wrote: 'Due to me having a bad throat after burning it swallowing some very hot mushy peas, I'm having trouble swallowing my medication and I end up vomiting.'

The Ripper explained one of his lag pals had to clean up his sick.

The serial killer has been corresponding with the pen pal since 1988.

Before his death, he explained his fear of coronavirus and hoped by staying in prison he would avoid catching it.

According to the letters, his health seems to have worsened over time.

He would discuss his regular trips to the diabetes clinic and his diet seems poor.

Sources at Frankland prison in County Durham previously said Sutcliffe moaned about his poor health and was 'regarded as a hypochondriac - but with Covid-19 he was monitored more closely'.

One source said: 'He was obsessed with his own death and worried about what people might say about him after he had died.' 

Former lorry driver Peter Sutcliffe was serving a whole-life term for murdering 13 women across Yorkshire and north-west England before his death from Covid-19 last week

The Ripper's main complaint about lockdown was that he couldn't eat cooked breakfasts.

On May 10 this year, he wrote: 'Still no cooking allowed.

So want my buddy's full English special. Reckon will be 2021 before cooking is back in play.'

On his 74th birthday earlier this year, a mate made the murderer a trifle with chocolate on top.

At the time the Ripper bragged his health was 'OK', despite having to be checked on three times a week. 

On June 1 this year, the serial killer wrote: 'Trifle all round tomorrow topped with chocolate buttons and shredded white chocolate yum yum. 

'As for my health I'm doing OK.

My buddy still takes me over to the health care in my chair three times a week.'

It seems the Ripper's bad diet eventually got the better of him. He had a heart attack shortly before he died, and was at high risk of Covid-19.

Sutcliffe was named the Yorkshire Ripper, due to his gruesome crimes in the county and across the North which mainly targeted prostitutes.
