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Chuck Schumer said Donald Trump incited an 'erection' instead of an insurrection on the Senate floor Friday, sending social media users laughing that 'we're in for a long, hard trial next week'.

The Senate Majority Leader made the hilarious gaffe while announcing that the House's article of impeachment will be sent to the Senate on Monday, kicking off the start of Trump's impeachment trial. 

Schumer wanted to impress on lawmakers that the former president was responsible for sildenafil 100mg inciting the MAGA mob that stormed the US Capitol on January 6 in a riot that left five - including a Capitol police officer - dead. 

But the Democrat stumbled over his words, muddling 'insurrection' for 'erection' and giving his speech another meaning entirely.  

Chuck Schumer said Donald Trump incited an 'erection' instead of an insurrection on the Senate floor Friday, sending social media users laughing that 'we're in for a long, hard trial next week'
