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Binance Academy 2021 Year in Review. 2021 has been a real breakthrough year for crypto use cases. Technologies like NFTs and the metaverse have made mainstream news, and blockchain adoption has increased. When it comes to regulation, the year has seen stories of crackdowns and embrace. El Salvador adopted Bitcoin as a legal tender. In the US, the SEC allowed for the first Bitcoin ETFs to be listed on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Canada also launched their own Bitcoin ETFs, an essential part of institutional investor adoption.

NFTs have seen explosive success this year with record-breaking sales and exposure. What was a small crypto niche in previous years is now a widely-discussed topic. Binance futures trade bitcoin coin crypto launched its own NFT platform to meet demand, and Fortune 500 companies are increasingly using and investing in NFTs. NFTs also have a role in the metaverse, another of 2021's hottest topics. Tech giants and small developers alike are building a connected, 3D world with crypto powering its economy.

The trend also relates to Web3, the concept of decentralization fueling our future interactions on the internet. Large capital investment firms showed their support this year for blockchain implementation in our online interactions, data, privacy, and finances. Binance Fan Tokens have also taken off with sports clubs like FC Porto and S.S. Lazio. Most of the 2021 sales have been oversubscribed, with users enjoying new fan benefits based on the blockchain. Finishing off the year, Bitcoin reached a new ATH (all-time high) of almost $70,000 in November.

Introduction. There's no such thing as a boring year when it comes to the cryptocurrency world. From NFTs capturing creators' imaginations to soaring new all-time highs for Bitcoin, 2021 has had it all. So while it seems like everyone is preparing to jump into the blockchain-powered metaverse, let's not forget everything else that has taken place this year. Cryptocurrency regulation. El Salvador. El Salvador points to Bitcoin as a way to reduce the fees its population pays in remittances, a large area of the economy as families receive money from abroad.

Most Salvadorans also don't have access to financial services, and blockchain is a possible solution in helping the unbanked. Globally, some external commentators have seen the move as a way for El Salvador to rebrand itself. The country had a problematic reputation tied to criminal gangs and the underground economy. The United States. Bitcoin ETFs. The SEC favored futures ETFs tied to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange's (CME) already-existing Bitcoin futures.

These derivatives are highly regulated within the USA, allowing the ETF to piggyback off them. There are now three US-based ETF options, with the possibility of physically-backed funds coming at some future point. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) Establishing original authenticity can be challenging, but blockchain allowed for the creation of a verifiable method for digital rarity. It solved the "copy-paste" problem we have with proving the authenticity of digital assets and files.

With such a vast amount of use cases, developers are experimenting with NFTs across industries, and we can expect some big news in 2022 and beyond. The metaverse. Web3 aims to use decentralization as a base for new developments for the internet. But how is this different from the metaverse?