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Ten Tips For Ezine Success

JanetWhish69654955 2021.07.08 06:34 조회 수 : 4

From the Wisdom Vault...

Ten Tips for Ezine Success

As you consider writing or sit down to write your ezine (or blog) have you ever thought "I'm not a great writer and I don't know what to say."  I thought the same thing when I began my coaching business. Now, I publish two weekly ezines, on a blog on the way, have two lucrative ebooks out, and a Wisdom Vault full of valuable articles on the Prosperous Coach website. It all started with my little ezine Coaching from Center five years ago. (I only wish I'd started sooner!)

Writing is a gateway skill -- a tool that, if honed, can make you wildly successful. So, if you are willing to improve your skills while you write, develop an ezine now for your niche market. It may attract more people to hire you than any other method of marketing. And this little effort now will pay you well later.

How can you make your ezine work for you? The trick is to treat your ezine like a long term asset for your coaching business.

The Ten Tips

For someone to open your ezine and read it through, the topic has to be perceived as valuable, brief and easy to read. For your ezine to be an effective marketing tool, you must do more than write it and blast it out to your list now and then.

Here's how easy it is to make your ezine the fastest credibility builder and sales vehicle you have:

1.  Be Consistent

Give your ezine a congruent look and format and post each edition to go out on the same day and time of the week. This one arrives at inboxes Monday at 4:00am ET. If you find it difficult to be consistent, make it a priority to get on track. The most effective ezines are delivered like clockwork. Weekly or bi-weekly editions are best for marketing. Don't bother with less than once per month.

2.  Stay Brief and Relevant Include only one short article of 300 - 800 words. Make the topic bite- sized, timely and useful to your niche market. For help coming up with topics, see these two articles in the Wisdom Vault:

Easy Steps to Ezines

Mining Sample Sessions for Gold

3.  Craft a Compelling Title

The title should make the topic clear. Include the date and topic title on the subject line to increase open rates.

4.  Connect with Your Readers

Show them that you understand what's important to them. Think like a blogger and use very short stories about yourself as an intro to the topic. Then, connect it to the top challenges and desires of your niche market.

5.  Make it Easy to Read

Write short paragraphs with clever bolded subheadings. Use bullet points and numbered lists. Italicize or bold key phrases or sentences. Have it proofread with a test delivery before you publish.

6.  Make it Easy to Act

Every ezine should have a call to action -- a tip to apply or a next step to engage with you, the author. Make it simple to buy or enroll in a product or program. Include an easy Send a Copy to A Friend method so your list can grow with the help of your subscribers.

7.  Market often!

If you only market once in a blue moon to your list, it will be a shock to your readers when it happens. It's better to market something -- a product, a teleseminar, or sample session -- in at least one edition per month. Link to full details on your website.

 8. Make Marketing Relevant

Make sure the topic of the article relates to what you're selling so you lead your readers to take action.

9. Analyze Each Edition

Learn something new from every ezine you send. Monitor and improve open and click through rates. Use an email campaign company to manage your list. Aweber has a proven high deliverability rates, lots of simple educational tools, and cost only $19.95 per month!

10. Never spam anyone!

Use a double opt-in system. Your homegrown list is always going to convert better than a purchased or borrowed list because the subscribers are pre-qualified. Provide an easy unsubscribe link (any reputable campaign company should have this built into the form).

 And here is a bonus tip: Plan to re-use your articles by posting them in ezine directories, blogs, and other newsletters for your niche market. Make sure you have a compelling by line and bio with your website address and a copyright notice on each article. Then, repurpose your writing again into products.

For detailed support creating ezines, get the ebook Working Websites for Coaches, and read this Prosperous Coach article: 

Website and Ezine Checklist

For more resources, see Prosperous Coach

May your writing bring you more prosperity!

Rhonda Hess

Founder, Prosperous Coach

Copyright © 2007 Bubbling Well Inc.

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» Ten Tips For Ezine Success JanetWhish69654955 2021.07.08 4