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Nutritionist Anna Pavlycheva told what foods should be included in the diet in order to maintain vision. Vitamin A is needed first, she said.

"In the form of retinol, vitamin A is found in eggs, beef liver and red caviar.

But its predecessor - beta-carotene - is found in pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes, peppers and apricots. Antioxidants and bioflavonoids (vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein, astaxanthin) also provide great support for vision. They are found in colorful vegetables, fruits and berries. There is a lot of vitamin E in nuts, seeds and butter. Lutein is found in spinach, parsley and eggs, "the nutritionist told RIA Novosti.

The nutritionist also advised to eat more fish, as it contains Omega-3, which is necessary for www.instapaper.com the retina.