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On the newest Legend episode, which aired on the RTVI channel on October 13, 2021, a musician called Yuri Malikov appeared as a guest. The inventor of VIA "Samotsvety" disclosed facts about his ties with Vladimir Vinokur and Alla Pugacheva in an interview.

- I was searching for someone international with a sense of humour, - Malikov explained of Vinokur. - As a result, https://www.myhome.ru/ Volodya approached our team and began to bend his desired line, despite the fact that singing Vinokura in VIA at the time was not quite suitable. And then we began to generate numbers.

Then, just as we finished his amusing song, we were summoned to some sort of chef's show, and I sought to set Volodya free with this number. We sing, people applaud, and the entire concert is going swimmingly. Vinokur appears seemingly from nowhere. He's not just amusing, but also utterly forgetful. It was hilarious! He had no idea how he had gotten himself into this situation. After finishing the song, he was summoned back for an encore. We had no clue what had happened. It turned out to be a "parody" genre, and he couldn't believe how well he replicated it. And when they found a place for him in the performance, he nearly burst into tears of joy. Then, before departing, he worked with us for over three years, during which time we created new characters. Then he built his own theater, and believe me, it's not just that. Vinokur, the humourist, was also born in "Gems."

Pugacheva used to work in the "Merry Boys," according to Yuri Malikov.

- Prior to the "Merry Fellows," she was acquainted with Slava Dobrynin and his wife, according to the artist. And they, in my perspective, had a little flat on Gorky Street where we met in 1975: Ira, Slava, myself, Lyusya, and Alla. They hummed, drank, and sung along all night. She wasn't yet Pugacheva; she was just a regular person, not a legend. Alla was a decent person. Then she recalled something she'd spoken about it someplace.

Yuri Malikov explained why Sergei Lapin [chief of the Soviet Union's State Radio and Television - ed.] refused to stage "My Address Is the Soviet Union":

"He did not forbid, he questioned," Malikov stated. - So they told me that I hadn't talked to him about anything. They informed me that Sergei Georgievich Lapin had requested that the music be altered so that it could be used as a poster. Of course, we did it and showed him how to do it, but we gave it a more old, romantic, and gentler vibe. "My address is neither a home nor a street," he said, "should be, so to speak, constructed as the cornerstone of the country in this song," and we played it in a young way.

In an interview, Malikov chastised women who spoke out about harassment.

- It's a disgrace,' the musician adds. - As a consequence, remember, remember, remember, remember, and forget. Everything has to be completed on time. So, who is going to put it on display? This is a morally repugnant experience. It is impolite for this lady to recall things after 50 years. Every individual will face issues in life; nevertheless, the problem must be addressed as soon as feasible. Now, if someone has offended you, please notify me; if something has occurred to you, please notify me; and if something has happened to you, punishment is required. They are, nevertheless, exaggerations.

The artist also mentions Dana Milokhin and Monetochka.

- Danya Milokhin caught my eye. So, who is he exactly? It is most likely indicative of a subset of young individuals aged 15 to 17 to 20 who used to listen to rock music at VIA. In my view, their audience will increase, and they will be remembered in an ironic way, - stated Yuri Malikov. - To me, they're all the same here. People who will not remain in the pop music genre or will not remain in the pop music genre for web page an extended length of time. Coin has arrived and is making her way out.