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House lawmakers passed President Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package early Saturday morning without a single Republican vote in support.

The bill passed the lower chamber with a 219-212 vote even after a key Senate official ruled that the final version will not include a minimum wage hike, allowing the U.S.
Senate to take up the legislation.

Two Democrats Kurt Schrader of Oregon and Jared Golden of Maine broke ranks and voted against the bill.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer intends to take up the bill immediately in a 50-50  divided Senate, where Vice President Kamala Harris can cast a tie-breaking vote.

The legislation will include the $1,400 stimulus checks to add to December's $600 ones.

0140.pngThese could arrive as early as before the end of March. 

Biden had campaigned extensively on raising the national minimum wage to $15 an hour, from a rate of $7.25 that has stood since 2009.

He aimed to include it in the huge COVID rescue plan which allots billions of dollars to boost vaccine delivery, help schools re-open and fund state and local governments.

The package, passed four days after the US COVID death toll surpassed 500,000 - also extends unemployment benefits, set to expire mid-March, until September 30.

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi early Saturday morning at the moment the bill passed the lower chamber with a 219-212 vote

Just Democrats Kurt Schrader of Oregon and Jared Golden of Maine broke ranks and voted against the bill.

No Republicans voted in favour 

The bill is on track to be the second largest US stimulus ever, after the $2 trillion package that Donald Trump signed into law last March to help rescue the coronavirus-battered American economy.
