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President Donald Trump took an optimistic tone toward U.S.-Russia relations on Twitter Thursday - hours after saying they were at an 'all time low.'

Trump's turnaround followed a press conference late Wednesday afternoon where his stance toward Russia was uncharacteristically negative, as the two powers stood at odds over the U.S.

military action against Syria, a key ally of Moscow. 

'Things will work out fine between the U.S.A. and Russia. At the right time everyone will come to their senses & there will be lasting peace!' Trump tweeted Thursday morning.

Just yesterday, Russia used its veto power at the UN Security Council to block a resolution on Syria.

It's foreign ministry has denied U.S. claims that Russia may have had advanced knowledge of a the chemical weapons attack that prompted Trump to order the launch of 59 cruise missiles at a Syrian airfield. 

WE CAN WORK IT OUT: President Donald Trump tweeted Thursday that things will end up 'fine between the U.S.A.

and Russia,' a day after saying relations were at a low point

That military attack drew condemnations from Moscow, adding a new level of tension to a nuclear power with whom Trump hoped to forge improved relations and cooperation.

The U.S.
used special procedures to provide a brief warning to Russians who were known to be on the ground at the airfield the U.S. struck as part of their mission to prop up Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad in the bloody civil war there.

Trump's view of the state of U.S.-Russia relations was much more jaundiced on Wednesday, when he said flatly that the two nations were 'not getting along.'

He said it would be 'wonderful' if we could get along with Russia.

LASTING PEACE: President Donald Trump took an optimistic tone toward U.S.-Russia relations on Twitter Thursday

'Right now we're not getting along with Russia at all.

We may be at an all time low in terms of relationship with Russia, this was built for a long period of time. But we're going to see what happens.'

Then he added cryptically: 'Putin is the leader of Russia, Russia is a strong country, we've a very, very strong country.

We'll see how that all works out.'

Trump spoke repeatedly during the campaign about how much better it would be if the U.S. could get along with Russia and join to fight against ISIS. But on Wednesday, he held out the possibility things might get worse. 

'I'm also going to see about Putin over a period of time.

It would be a fantastic thing if we got along with Putin and we got along with Russia. And that could happen and it may not happen, it may be just the opposite,' Trump said.
