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Good investment management necessitates that you pick good investments, maintain diversification and pay attention to details. Since most people do not really understand how to invest on their own own, many of them turn to professionals to manage the investment management chore for them. This could be costly. Here's how you can get the most bang for your buck ... your best investment.

If you've got several million to invest you are most likely not a lot more knowledgeable than most folks in regards to investing money - you just have more of it. Hence you can afford to pay big bucks to somebody else to pick good investments for you and manage your investments.

1_44_0.pngOtherwise, you either learn to invest on your own, pay what you can for professional help, or avoid investing altogether. The second is a poor choice if you ever anticipate to get ahead financially. That seems to leave you with two negative choices if you are not really excited about studying investing in detail or paying hard-earned money to an individual who calls himself an investment professional.

Do not fret; I have got some really good news for you! If you are prepared to put forth a little time and energy you may get good professional investment management for a lot less than you think. I call this the peoples' best investment: no-load mutual funds.

Mutual funds in general are designed for folks who require or want help picking good investments and organizing an investment portfolio with diversification. The problem is the fact that some funds have sales charges, yearly expenses as well as other fees associated with buying, holding and/or selling them. Not just does the fund itself have a cost structure, the investment professional offering them needs to get paid, too.

With no-load funds there is absolutely no middleman giving you advice and selling you on the merits of the product (fund). There's no investment salesman telling you the best way to invest or where to invest ... and charging you for his efforts.

Instead of costing you 5% off the very best and 2% or even more each year for expenses and perhaps other charges and fees ... you can get professional investment asset management from some of the biggest and best fund companies within the country for less than 1% a year in fund expenses. Period, that is your total cost to invest.

When you invest in no-load funds I suggest you deal directly with the fund company, rather than investing by way of a brokerage firm's web site. You may go to their web site or call a toll-free number to get info or to open a mutual fund account.

With no-load funds there should be no charges or fees to pay, only modest yearly expenses which are automatically deducted inside the funds themselves. The very best investment management deal around? For my money it's no-load funds.