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An emergency kit is a must for your car. You need to have tools in your kit that will allow you to change the battery, help you get some extra gas and freegiftcard tire changing tools as well. You may also want to add some batteries, a flashlight and a few blankets in the event that you break down at night.

Keep full copies of all of your auto repair work orders and every receipt as well. You'll want to have this proof available if any workmanship issues crop up. Plus, when you are selling the car, you'll tend to get more value for it when you are able to show exactly what has been repaired and how.

The asking price of a car is always just a starting point, and you should never pay that amount. This number is not an accurate reflection of what each dealer believes it can get from you. If you lack assertiveness, bring along someone who is comfortable with negotiating. You should be sure that you know what a fair price for the vehicle is beforehand so you know what you are willing to pay.

Learn how to be preventative in terms of auto repair. You can do things that will help curb any future issues from happening! A big one is to follow the recommended tune-up schedule for your vehicle. As each car is different, you'll want to look up in your manual what schedule is best for you.

Do plenty of research before purchasing a used car. The Internet is replete with useful resources about a car's value. You can find out what a vehicle is worth by using the NADA or the Kelly Blue Book. If your dealer is attempting to sell you a car for a larger price than these two sources say it's worth, then walk away.

Make sure to have all your car records on hand. One good place to keep them is in a folder in the trunk right above your spare tire. Repair professionals may want to see these records for repair purposes. The records can help them figure out the problem.

Do not reveal that you have a trade-in right off the bat. Wait to mention a trade-in vehicle until after you have a firm deal on the new vehicle. Disclosing early will allow the dealer to alter the deal on the car.

If you drive a car with any degree of regularity, it is important to understand the fundamentals of quality auto repair. A lot of people do not take the time to even learn about preventative maintenance for their vehicle. Thankfully, the tips below are a great start.

If you have never done any auto repair on your own, you should stick with small jobs and do lots of homework to learn how to do larger jobs. Be certain not to start taking your car apart if you aren't sure how to put it back together. Before starting any car repair job, be sure you have all the necessary parts and tools in place and that you know exactly what you need to do to complete the job from start to finish.

Social security numbers should never be given out unless it is absolutely necessary. Some dealerships want this information so they can ruin your credit. If you decide not to purchase there, having your credit run by multiple dealerships can hurt your chances of getting the best deal. First have an ironclad deal before giving your SS number.

Do you feel like you know more of what to do now when you're facing a problem with your vehicle. Do not panic! Instead, focus on finding the right solution based on the tips that have been presented to you in this article. You will find out that you will be successful.

Make sure that a budget is in place when you are car shopping. Don't let the dealer talk you into buying a car that you can't afford. Do not let the salesperson talk you into purchasing an expensive car if you are going to spend the next years struggling to make your payments.

Always keep some tail light tape around. You could get pulled over and get a ticket for a broken tail light. You should remove the light from your vehicle, replace the light-bulb if you need to and wrap the whole light in tape. This is a temporary fix but it is better than driving with a broken light.

Stick with Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) components. If your car needs parts, choose OEM parts over generic ones. For optimum performance, you should have the OEM parts that are up to the manufacturer's standards. While generic parts are cheaper, they're generally a lower quality than the original ones. This means that you may pay more later for replacements.

Check the tread on your tires regularly to make sure they are safe. Tires that have less than one quarter of an inch of tread probably need to be replaced. Also be aware of any bulges or cuts on the surface of your tires as this may indicate a weak area that could blow out and cause an accident while you are driving.

When you are car shopping, you need to make sure it has plenty of the most important safety features. The brakes and suspension are two things to take into account when car shopping. It is also important to have air bags. It is vital that your car is safe.

You do yourself a great disservice if you fail to negotiate a price lower than sticker. A person should never end up paying the sticker price. Negotiating down from the sticker price will help you save thousands.