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Boris Johnson opened up the shutters but it was just a crack, a chink, a cigarette paper-slim slit.
May as well have kept them slammed shut for all the good it did.

Four more months. Another four months of pettifogging rules and restrictions. Our emergence from this year of hell will not so much be a dash but a maddening crab-like crawl to freedom.

The Prime Minister announced these disappointing plans to the nation at a later than usual Downing Street press conference.

Boldness, brazenness, boosterism.

Those qualities for which we long associated Boris were all notably absent. Softly, softly was the order of the day. Even the way he entered the briefing room was slow and wearyingly sluggish. Plod, plod, plod.

The Prime Minister announced these disappointing plans to the nation at a later than usual Downing Street press conference
