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Alec Baldwin Mocks Trumps First Year In Office In Hilarious 'memoir' 

SebastianMello17572 2022.05.03 04:33 조회 수 : 2

Alec Baldwin has become the premiere, unmistakable impersonator of Donald Trump and he's taking his Emmy winning Saturday Night Live imitation-president to new heights in a satirical 'memoir' book.

Baldwin teamed up with author Kurt Andersen on 'You Can't Spell America Without Me: The Really Tremendous Inside Story of My Fantastic First Year as President Donald J. Trump.' New excerpts have been revealed from the point of view of Baldwin's Trump starting his 'yuge' first days after taking 'office.'

 obtained the books opening pages: 'Now I'm president. I won. I won. I won. My first morning at the White House. Day one.'

As a newly minted President, Baldwin's Trump, fresh off his inauguration, opines on the media's coverage of the day.

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Ladies and gentleman, impersonator-in-chief's yuge first day at the White House with Alec Baldwin's Donald Trump

Baldwin's Trump complains about the White House decor 'The entire White House, including all the servant barracks or whatever that I haven't even seen yet, is half as big as Mar-a-Lago'

Baldwin's Trump says the 'millions' of people who traveled to see his inauguration and 'stood for hours to experience the most sacred moment of their lives'

'What do I wake up to? All of the disgusting, dishonest media lying about the size of the crowd, every channel, every so-called expert. It was like bringing a beautiful supermodel home at night: You're so happy, but then the next morning there's a rotting corpse in bed. (A figure of speech. Although that did also actually happen to a friend of mine.)'  

However, he rationalizes, the 'millions' that traveled to see his inauguration are the ones that are important.

'What I really cared about, as Kellyanne explained to me, were the feelings of the millions of people who traveled from all over America and stood for hours to experience the most sacred moment of their lives.'

'In the limo this morning on the way out to the CIA, Kellyanne gave me a neck rub, the way Ivanka used to love doing when she was little, and then I felt even better when I delivered a great speech to the staff there.'

Allusionist 69. How the Dickens Stole Christmas \u2014 The Allusionist

The generous faux POTUS tells his top advisors: 'We can stop in McLean for Big Macs, Oreo McFlurries, whatever you guys want, on me.'

'It would've been perfect if I hadn't had to read the speech, because reading always brings down my mood, both in public out loud and by myself. But they wouldn't let me wing it. Still, incredible, amazing, phenomenal.'

Pushing the product: Baldwin later appeared on Jimmy Fallon's Tonight Show to do a dramatic reading of the memoir

Alec Baldwin and writer Kurt Anderson's book will be out November 7, almost a year to the day Trump was elected as the leader of the free world 

'But that was, what, 17 minutes? My inauguration day lasted 17 hours, most of it was a waste of time and fake.'

Baldwin's Trump, it is revealed in the Hollywood Reporter, also speaks on how he is displeased with the actual size of the White House.

'The entire White House, including all the servant barracks or whatever that I haven't even seen yet, is half as big as Mar-a-Lago.'

He also doesn't appreciate the decor.

'It's elegant, but it's not 21st century superdeluxe. My personal taste is luxurious and continental, what Ivanka calls ''more Abu Dhabi, less Alabama'' — no offense, Jeffy Sessions, you Alabama pixie.' 

The impersonator-in-chief also gets frustrated at those he feels are his enemies in a Mooch-esq rant, you know the one where Anthony Scaramucci infamously disclosed to the : 'I'm not Steve Bannon, I'm not trying to suck my own c***.'

'It's Hillary and Obama and the media and intelligence and the Bushes all in a giant circle jerk, and I'm tied down on the ground in the middle, and it's disgusting. But when Reince and Kellyanne both looked at me funny, I realized I'd said all that out loud. But I didn't apologize, or refer to it, just looked straight ahead. Which is Leadership 101.' 

And what would a Trump smash fest be without referencing the president's obsession with television.

'Everybody tells me I can't be the first president to install a TV in the Oval. ''Why can't I?'' I said when we first walked in on Friday. ''The American people would love me for it. We could hang a pair of small screens, 30 inches, 40 inches, either side of the big window there, behind the desk, where those paintings are. TVs are just the better, modern version of paintings, right?''  

Baldwin has been portraying Trump on Saturday Night Live last season. He's pictured above hosting the show on February 11 (right), with cast member Pete Davidson on stage (left)
