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Something as simple a 'thank you' before you coworker performs a task for you can reduce their stress levels and increase their performance, a new study finds.

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), found that the simple phrase can generate the biological response to gratitude which helps a person better manage stress and helps them perform better on high pressure tasks.

It can even have a drastic effect on a person's long-term health, as managing stress day-to-day leads to reduced risk of cardiovascular and potential cognitive issues.

Expressing gratitude also helps relationship building between a pair, which has an increased positive health impact.  

Quick shows of gratitude, like saying thank you to someone, in the workplace can lead to them having better stress responses - meaning they are happier and usually more productive, a new study finds

Researchers, who published their findings in the, kampus unggul recruited 200 participants to compete in an experiment based on the televisions how 'Shark Tank'.

They would be paired with another person who they already knew in order to mimic the familiar nature someone may have with a coworker. 

Each group was given a limited amount of time to develop a transportation product that could be used on campus - a task described as 'impossible' on purpose to generate a stress response.
