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These shocking pictures show a painter balancing precariously on a narrow window ledge with no safety equipment as he paints the frame.

The man appears to use only his left hand to cling on to the outside of a second floor flat while painting the windows with his other hand.

Witnesses said he left the property through the window before carrying out the dangerous task, branding him 'fearless' but 'stupid'.

These shocking pictures show a painter balancing precariously on a narrow window ledge with no safety equipment as he paints the frame in Glasgow

The man appears to use only his left hand to cling on to the outside of a second floor flat while painting the windows with his other hand

He was painting windows above a basement and railings, flouting health and safety laws that can lead to fines of tens of thousands of pounds.

An onlooker standing on the opposite side of Blythswood Street and West Regent Street, Glasgow, took a picture of the terrifying moment on Monday morning.

He said: 'I was just working away and noticed this painter.

'I thought nothing of it until I noticed he wasn't wearing any safety equipment.
There was no harness or safety aids.

'I was shocked. He was an older gentleman and I was fearing more for dicas his life, probably more than he was.'

The daring painter was wearing a white boiler suit to carry out the dangerous task, but his identity remains unknown.
