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Walter Marshall, the mad-keen foxhunting bon viveur who built Hambleton Hall in 1881, had as his motto: Fay ce que voudras — 'do as you please'.

And nxlv.ru his sundial on the terrace is inscribed with the words Nunc Hora Bibendi, 'Now is the time for a drink'.

Hambleton Hall's owner, Tim Hart, whose sons Sam and Eddie run the popular Barrafina Spanish restaurant chain, makes much of this in the hotel directory — and yet the atmosphere in his hotel is strictly regimented.

Hambleton Hall has an atmosphere, says the Inspector, that is 'strictly regimented'

'Please dress smartly in your own way,' is one instruction.

'Please order your breakfast the night before,' is another. 

And, on arrival, the receptionist reminds us that we are down to have drinks at 7.30pm and will be sitting down for www.sektorlideri.net dinner at 8pm. 'And so don't be late,' she might have added.

Hambleton Hall, occupying a glorious position overlooking Rutland Water, is a reminder that the Colefax and Fowler style of country house hotel, which burst on the scene in the 1980s, www.sektorlideri.net is still with us.

Formal, impeccable service, fussy food, pelmets, www.sektorlideri.net carpets everywhere and sky-high prices. We're paying £510 for dinner, bed and breakfast, and despite what the Good Hotel Guide says about all rooms having views of 'garden or lake', ours looks out over the kitchen yard at the side of the building.

The Inspector says Hambleton Hall occupies a glorious position overlooking Rutland Water, pictured
