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Your toothbrush is likely used every day to clean plaque and bacteria from your tongue and teeth. While your mouth is left clean after a thorough cleansing your toothbrush, it is carrying the germs and residue from your mouth.

It is possible that you have your toothbrush inside the bathroom. Bacteria could remain throughout the air. This article will provide methods to clean your toothbrush so that it's safe and clean to use at all times.

How to clean your toothbrush
There are several methods of disinfecting your toothbrush in between uses. Some methods are more effective than others.

Run hot water over it prior to and after every use
The most fundamental method of sanitizing your toothbrush is to run hot water over bristles prior and after every use.

This eliminates bacteria that might have accumulated on the toothbrush during the hours between brushings. Additionally, it removes any new bacteria that may have accumulated after every use.

The majority of people clean their toothbrushes using warm, fresh water.

Before you apply toothpaste, run warm water lightly over the head of your brush. The water should be hot enough to generate steam.

After you've cleaned your teeth and mouth thoroughly, rinse your brush with hot water.

Be sure to soak it in antibacterial mouthwash
You can also wash your toothbrush with antibacterial toothpaste if a hot water rinse doesn't suffice.

This could cause your toothbrush to wear faster as mouthwashes often contain harsh chemicals that could cause bristles to fall apart.

This is done by the toothbrush being placed on its back, head down, within a small cup of mouthwash for approximately 2 minutes following every brushing.

Should you boil your toothbrushes?
To make your toothbrush clean, you don't have boil it. But, the plastic handle that is found on many toothbrushes will melt in hot water.

If you want to use boiling water, boil it in a tea kettle or in a pot on your stove. Turn off the heat once it has boiled and then put your toothbrush in it for approximately 30 seconds.

Denture cleansing agent
Alongside the mouthwash and hot water, it is also possible to use denture cleansing solution to clean your toothbrush.

Antimicrobial agents are used to target plaque and bacteria in the denture.

Don't reuse denture cleanser you've already used on your dentures.

To keep your toothbrush fresh, dissolve half of tablets for cleaning in a cup of water. Your toothbrush should be submerged in the solution for about 90 minutes.

UV toothbrush sanitizer
It is also possible to purchase an ultraviolet (UV) light sanitizer product specifically designed for toothbrushes.

One study comparing UV light chambers for toothbrushes by using saline solutions and chlorhexidine gluconate solution , found that UV light was the most effective method to clean toothbrushes.

While this device is Discover More expensive than others, it is not essential to brush safely. Follow the manufacturer's directions for any UV sanitizers you purchase.

How do you clean the electric toothbrush.
You can clean an electric toothbrush head in the same manner the way you disinfect an ordinary toothbrush.

Make sure you disconnect the toothbrush head from the base on the electric device prior to placing anything other than toothpaste and warm water onto your toothbrush.

Warm water or a quick bath in mouthwash will aid in keeping your toothbrush attached to its base.

Use a toothpaste dispenser
If you apply toothpaste to your toothbrush, there's always a chance that your toothbrush and the toothpaste tube could come in contact and then transfer bacteria. You can use a toothpaste pump dispenser to minimize this possibility of cross-contamination.