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Awesome material. I purchased this for tie dying... but because of the spot shield & because it wasn't 100% cotton the tie dye did not absorb the way I wanted to. However... having said that, the shirt itself is very nice, great quality & it looks great on men. Very sharp.... and surprisingly, it did tie dye pretty well.... I just had to re-dye the shirt several times to make the fabric do what I wanted it to. Just buy this!
I like this shirt a lot. It fits well and as others have said, it has the feel of a tee shirt. However, it is made like a polo shirt so it looks a little more dressed up. I've worn it in very hot, humid weather and it was very comfortable and wicked well. It has a pocket, which is hard to find on polo shirts these days, so I've got a place for my sunglasses. I use the shirt when I'm travelling, when I sometimes have to wash it by hand, cheap Yankees jerseys and it dries overnight, probably due to the synthetic content. I'm going to order another one.:)
Bought this in 3 colors for my father-in-law per his request as I'd found one for him last year at a local discount department store. He love these shirts!! They are ultra-breathable and since he tends to run warm all the time these shirts allow his skin to breathe, he can feel the breeze through them when he's working outside on a hot day, he sweats a lot less when wearing them, they don't pick up perspiration stains easily like cotton t-shirts do, they wash well (although I hang dry all shirts so I'm not sure if these would do well in the dryer), and my father-in-law says they're some of the most comfortable shirts he has ever owned...and that's saying a lot! As they are available in other colors in his size, I'll be watching to buy a few more for his birthday. how fun to see my 70yo father-in-law wearing a sporty brand that my husband and our kids also wear! It makes him seem younger. ;-)