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Saint Glaham frankly he was still injured
Although the injury report of the New Orleans Saints Should Shoulder's shoulder injury in Jimmy Graham has healed, he fondurates it. A few days ago, cheap jerseys from china he said that injury in the shoulders of the fifth week is still plaguing him.

In an interview with a reporter, cheap jerseys from china Glaham said that he "every day" is still in the torture of shoulder injury. At an interview on Friday, cheap jerseys he said: "This season shoulder injury independence, sometimes I can endure pain to participate in the competition, so I am afraid I will continue to hurt the game."

At the same time, he also said that shoulder injury also affected his cover.

He added: "I just want to play in the game and contribute to the team. In addition to winning, I really don't care what data I got, even if I won 15 times, I've got 4 times, but the game lost What is the meaning? "

The Saint team wins in Pittsburg on the 13th week of Pittsburgh, but Glaham did not take a ball and cheap jerseys for sale did not pass his ball.