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Hawks sign the first round show line Wei Qiaodate - Brooks
After the big price of the big price, Mamal Adams, the sea eagle has signed the first round of the year this year.

US Time Monday, according to cheap nfl jerseys free shipping NetWork reporters, the Hawks and the first round of Xiuwei Wei Qiaodate-Brooks (Jordyn Brooks) signed a rookie contract. The contract period is 4 years, wholesale nfl jerseys for sale including the fifth year, total salary of US $ 12.35 million, including 64.58 million US dollars.

The Hawks will generally choose to trade down in previous years, but they stay in the first round this year.

Brooks is not the name of a household name this year, but he has a considerable potential. Brooks is an excellent traditional defender that quickly identifies the other party tactics and fills vacancies. His distorted angle is drilled, and it is powerful, and wholesale jerseys online there is excellent exercise ability, speed and explosive force.