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Fitzgerald legendary career
In the face of the anti-fall of the Green Bay package, Arizona red squash took the Larry Fitzgerald, wholesale jerseys for sale this legendary veteran almost lesdress the victory in Arizona in the overtime. Although the packaging workers quad-bonard Alon Rogers completed the long pass in the regular season, Cheap Jerseys from china free shipping they were brought into addition, but in the end he was defeated by another legend.

5578820903_7fae59d9d0.jpgIn the overtime game, cheap nfl jerseys from china Fitzgerad completed 75 yards to promote, and then received a short pass to complete the reach, killing the game. Carson Palmer said: "This is shocking." Talking about the last Dalong, the head coach Bruce - Arians said: "We have practiced 18 Week, finally used this tactics when it was correct. "

In the game, Fitzgerald took the ball to push 176 yards and won 1 time. He is also in the era of super bowls, the only player who has brought more than 150 yards in three playoffs. After defeating the package, the red scitch will continue to advance under the leadership of Fitzgerad.