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Eagle does not retain Safety Swan Markham-Jenkins
US time on Tuesday, cheap nfl jerseys from china the eagle officially announced that it will not perform Safety Swan Malcolm Jenkins 2020 contract options.

Jenkins is about to be free players, nfl jerseys and his contract option is $ 7.6 million. Upon execution options will take $ 47.7 million salary space for the eagle, and $ 6.1 million will become a dead money.

Jenkins joined the eagle in 2014, which was previously effective cheap jerseys for sale five years. In the past six seasons, Jenkins has always been the backfinder of the eagle. He completed 81 hugs last season, 2.5 times, 8 times destroyed passed.

The team has just renewed a $ 5 million contract with the defensive guard Jay Mills (JALEN MILLS). Mills finally played 9 games last season, complete 41 times, 7 times destroyed pass, a copy.

According to reports, the team also signed a 2-year 12 million US dollar contract with the Rodney McLeod, Rodney McLeod.