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Stan Grant and Tracey Holmes are making a sea change after recently purchasing a penthouse apartment in Sydney's Coogee Beach.

According to a report by

They recently purchased the split-level penthouse apartment for $2.85million.

It sits atop a block of nine apartments, and was last put on the market in 2014, where it sold for $2million.

The move comes after Tracey, 54, offloaded her apartment in Sydney's Avalon Beach for $1.3million.

She acquired the northern beaches back in 2009, paying just $567,000 for it at the time.

Stan, 57, and Tracey met in 2000, while both working at Channel Seven.

Their relationship was controversial at the time, generating plenty of headlines, with Stan divorcing his first wife, Karla Grant, that same year.

'Channel Seven sent us to cover the lighting of the Olympic flame in Greece. We'd have breakfast, lunch and dinner together and with our production teams,' Tracey told

'Stan and I got into some really interesting conversations about the world and people and politics, and I guess I fell in love with his mind. But he was married to Karla at the time.

'We stayed in touch, then in a few months it became obvious that we were attracted to each other. I didn't want to interfere in his personal life, I let him deal with that, it wasn't my place.'

She said they moved in together at Sydney's Palm Beach shortly afterwards, describing it as going from 'first base [to] home run'. 
