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Braddy regression training confirmation participation unveiled
Beijing time Saturday afternoon, cheap jerseys from china paypal Tom Brady participated in the training of the new England me jerseys wholesale patriots and determined that they would participate in the unveiled battle against the Armed Pasta.

Breddy's return has touched a lot of fans, cheap nfl jerseys from china free shipping because he was listed in the team injury list before, and he can see his training suit to participate in the warm-up training of the reporter.

Breddy's physical condition is included in the injury report, discount football jerseys from china and the doctor said that his entry is 50% uncertainty. However, when the first game of the Seattle Hawks, Breddy said in the interview of the Westerwood Sports Media, "anything can happen in anyone, but I am looking forward to anything. Holding Sunday. I am ready to start, I have seen a lot of video information, and I have drill a lot of tactics. "

The head coach Bill-Bellikik blocked the influence of a lot of spotlights, at the conference on Saturday, Belicik answered the problem of injury: "We have already do what I can do. And what we have asked, we have already put the injury on the list. We will continue to publish the list, announce his specific situation, the premise is based on the requirements of the alliance, just as we do for every player The same thing. "

On the lack of injuries, there is a close-end sharp - Rob Gronkowski, he accepted the knee surgery in January, but it was alleged to participate in the unveiled battle, but Bellchik said: " All parties are very respectful. Only he feels that he will return to the court. But in the end we will make a decision, this is good for the team, we will make a decision this week. "

53 players on the player list participated in Saturday training.