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Lightning first round Xiu Bosa due to the absence of the mini training camp
San Diego lightning has not seen the first round of Show Passing Shock Joji - Boss Bosa cheap nfl jerseys from china Tuesday.

According to informed people, this exploration show is absent from the training due to a deadlock due to the rookie contract negotiation. According to local media reports, Bossa is absent from the same reason to organize training last week on Thursday.

The contract of contracts facing Posa is now uncomfortable. He is the only one in the rookie selected in the first 19th championship.

According to reports, the differences between the two sides are mainly concentrated on offset. Bosa's broker hopes that there are not these terms in the contract. They want a contract that ensures a guaranteed payment of the Suba career before the payment of salary, even if the Bosa is cut off before the contract expires. In the previous four first round show negotiations, lightning did not cancel these terms.

The second question is the signature bonus of Boba: Is it after signing the contract? Is it paying after this period of time?

Because Bosa is not a contract, wholesale nfl jerseys he can't be fined because of the absence of mini training camp. Although this is expected outside of lightning, we believe that this will not eventually affect Boss's achievements in Lightning. He will earn money & mdash; & mdash; then he has to immediately in the pressure of playing a salary performance.