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Carolina Black Leopard main angle Wrist fracture
A main angle of the Carolina Black Panther will at least miss a month.

Team 2016 Two Word Show James Bradberrry is trained with wrist fracture, cheap nfl jerseys free shipping he will need to wear a gypsum at least six weeks. According to the official website of the Black Panther, Bradbell is still in the mandatory mini training camp.

Although the black panther should pay attention to this injury, Bradbelry is just because of bad luck. It seems that he will definitely return to the training camp and continue to enhance your performance. He first sent 13 games last season, cheap jerseys nfl free shipping complete 2 copy, complete 10 times to destroy the ball.

At the absence of Bradberi, cheap nike jerseys nfl Daryl Worley, cheap jerseys free shipping Zack Sanchez and Captain MunnerLyn will fill his position.