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According to the latest poll conducted by International Data Corporation (IDC), "Only 1/3rd of all companies with less than 100 employees and almost three-quarters of companies in the category of 100-100 employees own zero or at most one UC component technology".

The tools that fall under this description include VoIP, unified messaging, Web and video conferencing. It means that they are still struggling with fragmented voice, fax, email, video conferencing or instant messaging services.

While many companies are experimenting with one application under the UC umbrella, far fewer have managed to integrate them together into a collaborative solution. Conferencing technologies lead the trail of all UC solutions because they are regarded as a cheap alternative to business meetings and business travel wherever appropriate and possible.

Unified messaging, in particular, has been slow to catch up with others.

These facts are striking as the VOIP communication industry is growing in leaps and bounds but many companies have been slow in cutting the cord of traditional phone systems. This does not mean that there are no other ways of channelizing all the business communication means but VOIP PBX is basically the first step towards it.

The fruit of "Unified communications" capability can only be tasted in the plate of VOIP. Moreover, It is the general mindset of "Homo sapiens" to first try things before putting money into a new venture and VOIP offers you a much cheaper alternative.

A new study indicates that the businesses those have yet not transitioned to these new PBX VOIP systems experience a slowly rising success graph. It is because these systems not only reduce your phone bill but the "cherry" of Unified communications that comes along with the cake of VOIP will help your employees to respond to the requests from coworkers, partners and customers, thus decreasing the overall work overhead.

The recent releases of media shout it loud that the business owners that embrace VOIP phone systems see lower phone bills, lower headaches of communication management through a unified network that is hard to achieve in today's world of increased communications.
Without these advantages, the internal and external communications of a company lag behind their competitors and this leads to less profits and wasted resources.

And why not! Who doesn't hate going to multiple inboxes, one after the other in order to retrieve all the messages lined up. Not only this, the other taste of Unified Communication includes the technology that works in background to forward the calls from work phone or Business Phone to a mobile phone so that the called person is available 24x7x365, no matter where he is.

Many technologies across the world have been empowering lives. So, there is no point in sitting and just waiting for others to prove it more that what seems complicated today can simply save you oodles. It is my strong belief that over time Unified Communications will become a reality, connecting tits and bits into a whole big access to all what you want, Babysitter porn to all what you are looking for and to all what you would want to look to!

So stay ahead of time and grab out the power of unification.

Technology specialist at therealpbx.com 'Adom Brown' is a specialist in small business PBX systems. The Real PBX is a pioneer in providing Hosted PBX Services that deliver business class voice quality, real time customer assistance, scalable office Business Phone system and more.

Their enterprise class services include top notch features like .
