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ISSN 2311-875X (Online)ISSN 2073-2872 (Print)
60. Yurkovskij, A. V. Konstitucionalizm: sistemnyj podxod k formirovaniyu universalnoj politiko-pravovoj kategorii (Constitutionalism: an organized Method of the development of the Universal Political and Legal Groups) // Sibirskij yuridicheskij Vestnik, 2013, No. налогов декларация 3 ндфл, pp. 20-28. The topic of this information is the social relations controlled through the legal institution of fabric responsibility of workers and employees. The objective of the content may be the argumentation from the position based on which material liability doesn't have the status of legal liability. To do this goal, the next tasks were implemented: 1) the positions from the overwhelming quantity of supporters - theorists of law and scientists at work law - were considered - recognition of fabric responsibility among the kinds of responsibility, together with criminal law, administrative law, etc., that is construed as compensation for harm caused to some worker or worker for an enterprise (organization, institution): 2) the views of scientists (Anatoly Borisovich Vengerov, Mikhail Mikhailovich Rassolov, Magomed Imranovich Abdulaev), who don't recognize material responsibility as a kind of responsibility, happen to be examined 3) examined methods to understanding responsibility 4) the author's position of understanding responsibility and it is signs is offered, concentrating on like the start of negative effects, imposing new additional responsibilities around the offender 5) the issue of correlation of legal liability measures and protection measures is recognized as. To conclude, it's figured that the identification of measures of responsibility and measures of protection have brought, first, for an incorrect meaning of civil liability, that material liability is frequently compared next, the questionable allocation of both legal purpose of responsibility and material responsibility as a type of responsibility, which, despite its consolidation in labor legislation, within our opinion, in the essential and substantive characteristics describes protection measures. The scientific article also emphasizes the problem of distinguishing between legal liability and protection measures is very essential for police force entities, who must adequately know very well what measures of condition-legal coercion they apply, which therefore realize their set goals. Simultaneously, they ought to bear in mind that used the named kinds of condition legal coercion are frequently applied concurrently (for instance, a civil suit in criminal proceedings).    55. Sinicyn, S. A. Subektivnye publichnye prava: k razrabotke voprosa o ponyatii I sisteme (Subjective Public Legal rights: the introduction of the issue from the Concept and also the System) // Advokat, 2016, No. 7, pp. 20-37.

Corporate quality and management standards developed and implemented by the company ensure full control of the process of production, bottling and delivery to Customer, and will be offering company Partners higher level of service. 45. Pavlikov, S. G. Shevchenko, S. N. Sovremennyj konstitucionalizm v kontekste problem «kollizii» nacionalnyx I mezhdunarodnyx cennostej I interesov (Modern Constitutionalism poor the issues of Collision of National and Worldwide Values and Interests) // Sovremennyj yurist, 2015, No. 4, pp. 67-77.

5. Anohin, Yu. V. Mexanizm gosudarstvenno-pravovogo obespecheniya prav I svobod lichnosti (na materialax rossijskoj Freedoms of the individual (around the Materials from the Spain)): diss. ... Dr of Law: 12. 00. 01. Saratov, 2007. 33. Kus, A. Pravovaya zashhita interesov gosudarstva perestanovka slov ili novoe uravnenie? (Legal Protection of Interests from the Condition a Permutation of Words or New Equation?) // Promyshlennaya sobstvennost, 2016, No. 6, pp. 4-10. 12. Bondar, N. S. Dzhagaryan, A. A. Pryamoe dejstvie konstitucii: generaciya I garantirovanie konstitucionnym pravosudiem (The Direct Aftereffect of the Metabolic rate: the Generation and Guaranteeing Constitutional Justice) // Sravnitelnoe konstitucionnoe obozrenie, 2016, No. 3, pp. 52-78. The job interview with Anatoliy Kuznetsov, Professor, Department of Worldwide Relations, Asian Federal College, is adopted the occasion of his 65th birthday. The primary subject from the conversation may be the scholars research experience and the assessment from the development level and current condition of social and humanitarian science in Russia, at Asian Federal College. Anatoliy Kuznetsov emphasizes the significance of giving due regard to local research traditions and scientific schools. He views the introduction of scientific theory to become essential and suggests the prospects of creating a systematic approach, which, given its unrevealed potential, could be sought after underneath the conditions of high variability and uncertainty relating to modern occasions.

Gyandhara Worldwide Academic Publications (popularly known as GIAP Journals) is definitely an Indian digital writer of research journals, e-books, and conference proceedings... 36. Malko, A. V. Pravooxranitelnaya I pravozashhitnaya politika v sovremennoj rossii // Pravovaya politika I razvitie rossijskogo zakonodatelstva v usloviyax modernizacii (Police Force and Human Legal rights Policy in modern Russia / Legal policy and growth and development of the Russian legislation within the modernization): senate bill. dokladov / Erectile dysfunction. A. V. Malko,V. M. Shafi rov, A. V. Uss. Krasnoyarsk, 2012.