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Cosmetic Laser Services Overview

JanieFawcett2175 2022.02.04 02:41 조회 수 : 2

The popularity of laser treatments for aesthetic improvement is seeing dramatic growth. With a long history of use by the medical community for surgery, optometry, dentistry as well as other applications, the laser has been embraced through the dermatology and plastic surgery industry, taking over procedures as varied as hair removal, acne treatment, vein removal, tattoo removal, and skin rejuvenation.

For many procedures, lasers seem to be considered the minimally invasive alternative, yet there's still a push to use lasers which require even less downtime. Enter non-ablative lasers - technology that will provide dramatic skin rejuvenation results with minimal downtime.

1 year agoPerhaps the best way to define non-ablative lasers is to first explain ablative lasers. The distinction between the two is crucial for patients and doctors to understand as they select laser skin rejuvenation procedures.

Ablative lasers (such as CO2 lasers) use heat and light to vaporize damaged cells from the surface of the skin as well as to penetrate into the deeper layers. Often known as "resurfacing," these ablative treatments can improve skin texture, smooth moderate wrinkles, and correct pigmentation problems.

Non-ablative lasers use light to penetrate underneath the skin without removing outer layers. The most usual types of non-ablative lasers are IPL (Intense Pulsed Light), BBL (Broad Based Light) and fractional laser. When delivered to the dermis, the laser energy encourages the production of collagen and allows for skin renewal from within. Non-ablative lasers can treat age spots, acne, veins, redness, sun damage, minor wrinkles, scars, and poor skin texture.

During ablative Sentient laser treatments, patients often need to be sedated with local anesthesia. After the process, a healing period of several days to a few weeks should be expected, during which there will be significant discomfort, swelling and scabbing. Patients should plan to take some time off work.

Non-ablative lasers, in contrast, don't usually require downtime or recovery. Unlike ablative treatments, the non-ablative procedure just isn't performed with general anesthesia or sedation, although some patients report minimal discomfort (often when compared with the snapping of a rubber band) that may be mitigated with a topical anesthetic. Post-procedure discomfort is minimal. Patients are generally able to return to their daily activities immediately, although they can appear "flushed." Even though the effect on the skin is less dramatic, non-ablative lasers are nevertheless able to achieve substantial improvement.

The selection of an experienced physician is as important with non-ablative lasers as it is with any other cosmetic treatment, in spite of the fact that they are minimally invasive. A health care provider must have the education and experience to ascertain candidacy and select from among-the many products on the market. In actually performing the process, the doctor must be well-versed in the details and application of the laser technology to achieve improvement without damaging the skin. Patients should carefully review their physician's credentials ahead of selecting and embarking upon a photo rejuvenation treatment solution.