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Great Target Jerseys

NorineRobb5647973237 2021.07.14 12:18 조회 수 : 1

big-19-11-200x200.jpgI am a coach for basketball,I search the basketball jerseys on google,I have a basketball club in LA, try to order many youth basketball for match, ordered youth size for youth basketball girls league grades 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. As I'm preparing for the league I had my 15 year old son try on for me, thinking if they fit him we should be good, tight for him to get into but fit fine once on, however if there are bigger girls in these grades you definitely will need to order the adult size. I will need to add some adult sizes with these for the bigger girls.
These jersey's work perfect for my 5th grade girls basketball team. They are quick to put on and manchester city jacket take off and the color difference works great for any color of under shirt the girls wear to practice. We only had two problems with the jersey's, and it is not the jersey's fault....it is a girl named Kobi's fault. Kobi apparently is a colorblind as a baby deer still in the womb. She either did not know or she did not tell me. Kobi consistently threw passes at the girls in the wrong color jersey. A lot of time they would not even be looking, after the 5th ball up against a girls head and a one broke nose...I came unglued on this girl. That is where I figured out the second problem. These jerseys can hold in a stench. With only wearing them for an hour, Kobi's jersey smelt like rotten meat in a bowl of hot swamp water. All other jersey's were fine. I had her mom take her jersey home and wash it, when she brought it back it had the odor of sauerkraut cooking in hot dog water. Her mom even noticed it was so bad she hung it out the window the entire ride to practice and she said she replaced her washing machine. Either way it had to be burned and after her going through 3 jersey's, Kobi is whatever color shirt she has on that day. These jerseys actually helped a girl figure out colorblindness and a sweat problem......so they are well worth the money.