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"Fight cancer", "Beat cancer" are extremely popular expressions currently, which is good so. Although October, the Cancer of the breast Awareness Month is over, for various still see lots of people wearing pink ribbons on their jackets, which is a demonstration of their will to help those women who have problems with this disease. Which can be very much appreciated and should be acknowledged. Fundraising and information events, web pages, donations, merchandise, advertisements all over the media, groups on social networking sites, individuals spreading the term - attention will be given to the topic and significant amount of money is collected.

dna-research-assay-tray-in-lab.jpg?widthConversely, looking a little bit closer, as a cancer survivor myself who studied the subject from the most various resources accessible for public, I personally have some questions, doubts and reservations about these research programs and could possibly be a bad person, but I did not donate one single cent and not intend to do so. Tell you why.

Fight. An integral word when discussing cancer.

How do you best fight in order that you win? You know your enemy.

A problem - any problem - may be only handled if one knows the exact cause of it. This should be clear - how else do you solve a situation, if you don't determine what is it exactly?

Let's take cancer of the breast, it looks like this: annually $ millions are spent to discover the causes of cancer And many more importantly, develop new treatments. Let me suggest: treatments can be only effective once they target the root of the problem... "The exact causes of breast cancer are not known." The truth is, in line with the publicly available statements, causes of cancer are a mystery for the medical profession.

The theory of changed or damaged genes is wide spread, and an information video on the Medical News Today site gives just a little hint on why does it occur: "Damage or change in the genetic material of cells by environmental of internal factors sometimes results in cells that don't die and continue to multiply until an enormous cancer cell or tumor develops."

Excellent. The next step will be then to investigate these environmental or internal factors that damage or change the genetic material of cells, would not it?

The environmental factors are just about noted for the scientists as well as for the general public: bad nutrition, tobacco, certain chemicals that we use, etc. Cancer research should go then within the original source direction of eliminating these factors: educating the people on correct eating habits, cutting back the use of harmful chemicals, and so on. And cancer treatment would primarily consist of targeting the cause of cancer, the reason why those genes got changed or damaged: increasing certain vitamins as well as other nutrition supplements, cleansing and physical exercise that helps one's body push out the accumulated toxins, boosting the own self defense of one's body, the immune system and so on.

But this isn't how it goes. Cancer researches deal mostly with developing the conventional therapies by official medicine: new drugs, radiation, hormones and surgery. And cancer treatments obtainable in hospitals are mainly about giving chemotherapy and such to the patients. Can anyone see how adding extra chemicals in to the already overwhelmed and weakened system would help one's body to recover? Because it will not.