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The origin and history of NFL (National Rugby Alliance)
US National Football League, referred to as NFL, Chinese translation for "beauty") is the world's largest professional American football alliance, is also the world's most commercial sports alliance. In the United States, this is a high-pre-appeal, you can not know, Ronaldo, Zida, Messi, C Luo, but you can't know Jean & Middot; Washington, Brett Ff, Pedon - Manning, Tom-Breddy, snappy logos free shipping Steve-Smith, Joe-Montana, is often the focus of the game. A total of 32 teams were all privately investing, and it was also known as the privileged group (FRANCHISE). NFL is the most famous professional football league in the United States, so it also has the most fans, other alliances also tried to compete with NFL, but they did not have such a big support like order nfl jerseys from china and had so much fans.


The NFL has a total of 32 teams. Each team has 53 players in the routine. Unlike the American Professional Baseball League (MLB), the National Basketball League (NBA) and the National Ice Hockey League (NHL), the Alliance did not have a team in Canada, because Canada itself has a Canadian Football League.
Most American big cities have a team, except for the second Great Town California Los Angeles, and Texas San Antonio, there is a team in the city and metropolitan district. NFL still tried to persuade a team to transfer a team to the Mandi District of Luocheng in the Los Angeles area. Washington is the most profitable in the US professional movement, with a total market value of about 14 billion US dollars.


Just like American American American Rugby, NFL American football Leibbi football (Rugby Football, Chinese multi-called football) has developed. Lebi football is incorporated into the United States in 1874, and Inviting the Harvard University to Quebec to play a Canadian version of the new "Leabi Football" in the McGill University of McGill University. Career American football is at least 1892, when a Pittsburgh's sports club hires William & Middot; Herfenge, Pudge & Quot; Heffelfinger. During the decades, when most of the attention of American football is concentrated on the East Coast Elite University, the professional competition is widely spread in the Midwest, especially in Masillon, Masillon, Ohio, 1903. Very strong amateur team, hired 4 Pittsburgh Professional Players to play with the Township of Akron.


The American Professional Football Association, APFA was founded in 1920 in a Canton, OHIO Hupmobile agent. Legendary Athlete Jim Thorpe is elected as the president. The 11 team organization, in addition to a team in the Midwest in the Midwest, it is not like a league, while comparison is an agreement with each other. In the early days, APFA members continue to match the membership team that is not APFA.

In 1921, APFA began to list official ranking and renamed National Football League in the following year. However, NFL is difficult to refer to a large alliance in the 1920s. The team is frequent. The ball contains a variety of representatives Decatur Staleys, Larue, Ohiooorang Indians, a Native American clothing, and performs dog show.

Integration alliance

Occupational American Rugby growth quickly in the mid-1960s, in some surveys, beyond baseballs, becoming the most favorite movement of the United States. Because many people want to benefit from the growth of the popularity, NFL is unable to provide, so a competitive alliance, American Football League, AFL) was established in 1960. AFL introduced some NFLs, like Wider-Open passed, players embroidered on the jersey, an official clock allows the audience to know the remainder of the game (NFL uses the referee to calculate the time, and periodically Xuanda time). The new alliance also resolves fiscal issues after the establishment of a broadcast of gold sharing and cable TV broadcast competition between the team.

AFL also forces NFL to expand: Dallas cowboy builds Dallas Herssus against AFL. Texas relocated to Kansas in 1963 to become a chieftagate team; Minnesotavi is NFL's ball from AFL to give Max Winter; Atlantan Falcs Give Ranki Smith to discourage him to buy AFL's Miami dolphin.

The sustained players of NFL and AFL expensive competition almost exceeded the spirit of sports. In 1966, the two alliances agreed to merge in the 1970 season. 10 AFL teams joined the existing NFL team to form NFL's American American Football Conference. Another 13 NFL teams have become a National American Football Conference. Another result of the merger is the four-year original AFL-NFL championship & mdash; "World Championship Of Professional Football), which is renamed into a super bowl after the merger, turned to NFL championships.


In the 1970 and 1980s, NFL enhanced his status of his top audience movement and an important role in American culture. Super Bowl is a TV show for an unofficial country holiday and highest ratings. On Monday Night Football, in 1970, the high ratings were brought about by mixed sports entertainment.

NFLNFL expands to new markets and business adventures. In 1986, the alliance began a series of quaternary pre-performance competitions, called the US Cup, held at an international location outside the United States. In 1991, the Alliance established a American Rugby World League (ie today's European American Football League), a development alliance with German and Dutch teams. Nfl conducts such competitions in Mexico in 2005, intended to continue such a competition in other countries. In 2003, NFL founded its own cable channel, NFL NetWork.