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Soviet Russia Forecasts Cable Car Gross Revenue To Halve In 2022 - Ministry

CyrilP7130358194 2022.06.23 09:16 조회 수 : 2

June 10 (Reuters) - Russia's Industry Ministry expects railway car gross sales to halve in 2022 as the country's motorcar industriousness grapples with cater issues, multimedia broadcasting a elder functionary said.

"We saw a sharp fall (in car sales) in April and May," Tigran Parsadanyan, surrogate nous of the ministry's automotive and railway technology department, said on Thursday.

"We expect that some 750,000 cars will be sold on the market by the end of the year."


That number represents a 51% put down in sales year-on-year.

The Connexion of European Businesses (AEB) aforesaid on Mon that gross revenue of novel cars in Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic in Whitethorn slid 83.5% year-on-class to 24,268 vehicles.

It expects railroad car gross sales to twilight by at least 50% this year. (Coverage by Reuters)
