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On the net you can find a lot of movies, games and software. Many people want to download these but don't understand how to download these. Why can your friends download the latest movies and games, and why can not you do that? A lot of men and women think downloading a film for example can simply click the following webpage be done by typing the name of the movie into Google, click on the first hit Google finds and click on the 'download this movie' button and a couple of hours later the film can be watched in the family room.

In fact the reality is a bit different. Downloading movies, games and software is fairly simple and may be done in several ways but it is not as easy as I said above. This sort of sharing of videos involves a lot of men and women. People pas their videos or files all over the world however the World-wide-web. This has become extremely popular in the last couple of years. The young adults are the ones who use this website to download movies. And most of these youngsters are students.

Using bittorrent to download movies that are most likely pirated violates copyright laws and several students are among folks that are breaking laws. The working principle of torrents will be very different than the traditional way of file sharing. In the traditional way of sharing associated with any file, we need to go to the site and look for the file using the name of the file. You will have the option download file. You can click on it and also the file will begin getting downloaded. The time taken will depend upon the size of the file. Once it gets downloaded, it can be accessed and used whenever we wish. It is a transfer from the central server to the computer of the user.

However, torrents adopt an alternative procedure to transfer files. The torrent is a group or bunch of small fragments of a file. If any one notices that they wants a specific file in the server, the download button may be clicked. The file does get downloaded but in bits and pieces. The whole file will be got in the event the downloading has been completed. But it will be got from different sources.

Whereas in the traditional way the file is got from one source, in torrents it is from many sources and also the fragments are put together to compile into a single file. Actually thousands of computers will be accessing the same file and that is made available to others. This helps in speeding up the downloading and this gets bunched together and made into a bigger unit. This file then can be transferred to others too. Which process continues and lots of people could get the advantage of getting some good files.

The transfer speed will vary many a time and this may depend upon various other reasons, as an example, on the type of protocol, the number of computing systems that are downloading, and on the amount of traffic on the server. Many people do not permit the sharing to happen and it may be called as leeching. Taking the benefit but do not permit the transfer. Thus better quality files may be downloaded using this website.