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Microsoft will phase out Windows 10 support over the next few years, so it's important to make sure your device supports Windows 11.

Sarah Tew/CNET

Windows 11 dropped last week (here's our full Windows 11 review) and it came with significant compatibility questions. The question of compatibility has been on a lot of PC users' minds since Microsoft unveiled its first major OS upgrade in six years over the summer. Fortunately, Windows 11 should work with most PCs, according to a company blog post. However, though its release date has finally arrived, compatible devices won't necessarily get the upgrade yet -- Microsoft says you might have to wait until mid-2022 to download and install Windows 11.

Annoyingly, Microsoft's own tool for determining device compatibility -- the PC Health Check app -- wasn't up to par when Microsoft first announced Windows 11 (there were reports it didn't give people enough information about why their devices weren't compatible), so the company temporarily removed the app. But Microsoft's PC Health Check is now back online and in working order. The app will tell you if your computer meets the requirements to run Windows 11 -- and if it doesn't, it will tell you why and provide links for more support.

Free Phone Wallpapers HD Windows 11 update. Read on for all of your options for checking Windows 11 device compatibility. With the Windows 11 release date finally here (remember, however, that it'll be a staggered rollout), it's a good idea to check your own computer. If your device doesn't meet eligibility requirements, you may need to replace your PC by 2025 as Microsoft phases out Windows 10 over the next several years. 

Read more: Should you buy a new Windows laptop now, or wait for Windows 11?
