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The grandmother of a teenage girl murdered by the man she called her father after she alleged he had sexually abused her today said her 'horrible' killer 'deserves to rot in hell' and must reveal the location of her body.

Pat Dickinson described the year since Bernadette Walker, 17, vanished in Peterborough as like being in a coma and declared: 'We need to have closure and Bernadette must rest in peace.'

In July last year, the man Bernadette had called 'Dad' for as long as she could remember - Scott Walker - killed the 17-year-old to silence her claims of sexual abuse at his hands.

Bernadette was just a toddler when he entered her life in 2006.

He started an affair with her mother, Sarah, then a pregnant single mother of five. A decade and a half - and four more children - later, their volatile, toxic relationship would implode.

This week, as 51-year-old Walker was found guilty of murder and perverting the course of justice.
Sarah was convicted of perverting the course of justice, but her family are reportedly 'sticking by her' believing she was manipulated by Scott.

Sarah's mother Pat said: 'I can't believe he killed my beautiful granddaughter but he's been found guilty.  Now he must tell us where he has hidden her body so we can give her a decent burial'.

Bernadette Walker, 17, was last seen alive on July 18 last year when 51-year-old Scott Walker, who was not her biological father, collected her from his parents' house in Peterborough.

He was convicted of her murder and  Bernadette's body has never been found 

Scott Walker started an affair with her mother, Sarah, then a pregnant single mother of five.

A decade and a half - and four more children - later, their volatile, toxic relationship would implode

Bernadette Walker, 17, (left) of Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, pictured with her mother Sarah Walker (right)

She told : 'I feel like I've been in a coma for a year and just woken up to this dreadful news.

'I feel like I have two angels on each shoulder, one saying Bernadette's out there waiting to be found and the other saying she's not.

'But she's not the type of girl to run away.

Deep down we know she's not alive but we just want to know where she is to bring her home. He is the only person who knows where she is.' 

Scott Walker (pictured left) told jurors that Bernadette's (right) allegations of sexual abuse were 'untrue' 

Bernadette's 38-year-old mother Sarah, who changed her surname and those of all her children to Walker's by deed poll, stood trial alongside her partner at Cambridge Crown Court and has been found guilty of perverting the course of justice, Situs Judi Slot Online while 'believing' or 'knowing' her daughter was dead.

After Bernadette's murder, she and Walker hacked into her social media accounts and phone, posting fake messages to make it seem she had run away.

The tragic teenager's body has still not been found.    

Walker's  estranged wife Jill, to whom he is still legally married, spoke to the Mail about the terrifying, evil man who tore apart her own life before moving on to Bernadette's mother.

She claims that 'highly-sexed' Walker regularly forced her to have sex, verbally abused her and threatened to kill her before she fled.

Jill also reveals that before moving away from Yorkshire to Walker's home town of Peterborough, Bernadette's mother contacted her, concerned about his behaviour and asked 'whether he would hurt her children'.

'Maybe I could have saved Bernadette,' says 51-year-old Jill, an NHS support worker.

'I have immense feelings of guilt about being able to save her if I'd warned Sarah more.

I told Sarah not to move. I told her that he would alienate her from her friends and family and taking her away would make this worse. 
